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So Sorry for the delay. Let's finish up vacation. The next to last day in the Cape was quite a chilly day. We had planned to go to the fair, but thought it was too cold (crazy to think that it's too cold in July...but it was) In the morning Ms. Martha, Hannah, Stacy and I decided to go to the Aqua Zoo. It's a little building with all kinds of fish, reptiles, and sea creatures. My favorites were the turtles and the alligator. Micah loved the clown fish. We had a lot of fun.

The very last day we spent relaxing at the house. I paid Hannah to stay with Micah while he napped and we had our very last river day. Stacy paddle boated, I sat in the water in a chair while Martha and Laura worked hard on making a "Weed Man." (Kind of like a snowman, except he's made with seaweed) Isn't he cute?

It was a beautiful day! Have I said how much I Just Love the Cape yet? The last night that we were there we went to the fair. We have yet to take Micah to the Gwinnett County Fair, but he's been to the Jefferson County Fair twice. The last time he went he wasn't even one, so needless to say, this time he rode more rides.

We all played the water shooter game.....Ms. Martha won. (Ignore my stance!)
Micah went fishing and chose his own prize!

Some of the rides that Micah rode required someone to ride with him....He was right at the measurement line. He rode some with Hannah and had a Blast.

But what cracks me up still is the sight of Nut riding in the Little bitty car all crammed in the back seat!! LOL It was a hoot!
Hannah had her choice of riding partners this year. Laura was afraid she'd be sick, so she chose not to ride. I went into a couple of the fun houses with her....But STACY was the lucky one to ride Pharaoh's Fury with her. She was so excited before the ride began, but look at her poor face during the ride. Poor Thing!

We loved our trip and THANK YOU SO MUCH MS. MARTHA for letting us come.
On Monday we drove to Niagara Falls. Stacy, Laura, and I had all been before to the Canadian side, but never been to the USA side. I knew that Micah, along with Cindy and Jeff would Love it. We left The Cape right after breakfast and got to The Falls right before lunch. We had lunch at Hard Rock Cafe.
As soon as we were finished we went to ride the Maid of the Mist. For those of you who don't know, it's a boat that takes you right into the falls. It's a lot of fun. I had heard before that the Canadian view of the falls is better, but now I can say that I know it's the truth! It's pretty from the US, but beautiful from Canada!

I was SO sure that Micah would love to ride the boat into the falls, but mostly he just hid his face. At least he was free :)
The ride takes less than 20 minutes and then we were off to the opposite side of the park for the Cave of the Winds. This was by far the one of the MOST FUN things that I've ever done. I LOVED IT. Here is a view of the people (in yellow ponchos) that's how close you can get!
The park is a big park...probably 1 to 1 1/2 miles across. We chose to walk instead of taking the $2 a person trolley. Micah ran the WHOLE time! He cracks me up. Most kids were being carried, or pushed in stroller, not the man.... he ran :)
When we finally made it to The Cave, Micah DID NOT want to put on another poncho. I wasn't going to miss out on going into the falls and no one else was either, so he finished pouting pretty fast and we were on our way.
First we took an elevator down down down into a cave where we walked out and were down right beside the Niagara river. Then we walked up a lot of stairs and were right in the falls!

Who in the world would pass up the chance to stand Right under Niagara Falls and get soaked? Not me! I was the first one in. Micah wasn't interested in the least, but I did get a great shot of Stace :)
Can you tell we Loved it?
The French Festival takes place the weekend after the 4th of July in the town of Cape Vincent. It's a sweet little festival filled with pastries for Stacy, (which for some reason I can't find the picture of right now) a parade, and lots of fun. We begin our day early so that we can make it to the Fire station before they sell out of French pastries. This year it was rainy so, not as many people came early. The pastries normally are sold out by 9-10 in the morning, but this year they lasted until after lunch.

As the morning began, the sky was black. Then the rain came. It was off and on until late in the day. We even took our ponchos (thanks to Martha for buying them) to the parade at 2.
Here's Napoleon leading the parade.

Micah Loved the parade but kept saying, "They're not going to get me?" For the longest time I couldn't figure out what in the world he was talking about (because he asked that about nearly everyone who went by) But I figured that it had something to do with a gypsy at the Renaissance Festival saying that she would take him. French Festival....Renaissance Festival...I' don't know :)
We don't go to a lot of parades, mostly just the Dacula Memorial Day Parade. As far as candy goes, this parade has Dacula beat by a TON! As far as bands go, these are some fun ones, but as far as everything else goes, it's really different :) Martha payed Hannah to babysit Micah on Saturday so that we could play. Stacy napped, or watched tv or something while Martha and I had a fun time downtown :) I was most thankful that Martha offered Hannah, but I knew that I could make it well worth her while with a sweet treat....Here's what she choose!
The Best $1 I've ever spent! Micah LOVED this balloon yo yo!
Here's our afternoon photo shoot...some turned out okay. What do you think? Oh yeah, it was a bit windy, not to mention Micah needs a hair cut!

My favorite boys!
Isn't this a Beautiful view?