Friday, November 2, 2012

Just a few Patton things...

If you ask Patton what he was for Halloween, he'll answer "Spider man." The story is that I thought I already had a costume that would fit him, I didn't. We went to Party City and bought the lion costume. All he could talk about for 3 weeks was Spider man. I thought about trying to find him a Spider man costume (Party City did not have one in his size) but I didn't ever do it..... Poor poor baby :(

Patton loves to add suffixes to people's names. He always changes things up, sometimes I'm Mama mo mo but mostly he likes to call me Mama mia. I don't mind it. I think it's funny when he calls Micah- Micah Bee-a, or Micah bo bo, but my most favorite of all is Daddy Homo! LOL

Patton loves Chick-fil-a, but does NOT love the Chick-fil-a cow. He likes to check for him All the time. He wouldn't even give him a high five when we saw him at the fall festival.

He calls Fire House Subs, Firehops.

He LOVES pizza and also likes  Loves to talk about Pizza Hut, Johnny's, and Papa Johns. If he could eat pizza every day the boy would be content.

It's looking like his life revolves around food.... It most likely does.

Patton Loves "Baby Riley." And Noah is his best friend. This morning our conversation went like this
P "Noah coming?"
Me "No. Noah's going to Mississippi for a race"
P "Sarah race?"
Me "Right"
P "Noah misses Patton"
Me "You're probably right."

Patton is a sweet sweet boy!

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