Micah had found a PERMANENT MARKER that had fallen off of the top shelf of his closet and made some beautiful "art work." You may be wondering why in the world would anyone have a permanent marker in their kid's room to begin with....Well I have had this one in Micah's room since his first Christmas. His Wonderful "Aunt D" made him the coolest ever growth chart, and that's how we keep track of it. Just the other day, I was looking for the marker to chart his growth, and I couldn't find it. I moved it from his top dresser drawer to the top of his closet because now he can stand on his bed and open dresser drawers. I thought I was being very smart. Last week he asked to play with a toy that was on the shelf in his closet....I guess the marker fell when I got the toy down! When I opened the door yesterday Micah said "Here it is" He knew I had been looking for it.... But all I could say was "You've ruined it all." I didn't know what to do....So I called Daphne who knows the answers to most of my child raising questions (Mama was working) I cried. Daphne told me to use the Magic Eraser and rubbing alcohol. I didn't get a picture of this....and the ones that I do have are that great, but He drew ALL over his furniture, his walls, door, and 1/4 of his toys, his body, his clothes, and oh yeah and the carpet too!! The walls were the least of my worries, we can always paint them. I was most worried about his dresser....All I have to say is Thank you Mr. Clean! The toys are as good as their going to be for now. His clothes will become play clothes, his room will be repainted, but the carpet is a work still in progress. I used alcohol so much in that room that I could feel my brain cells dying. The marker is still on the carpet, but it's a lot lighter. I'll try nail polish remover when he wakes up today so that his room will have time to air out before bed time. Anyone have any other ideas that might work? I think that Micah will have a wood floor in his room in our next house!
Seth and Sydney
1 week ago
Oh girl, I feel your pain. Jonathan did something similar several months ago, but thankfully just used a regular ink pen. He decided that our couch needed some art work. Alchohol worked pretty well on that too. I hope you're feeling better!
OH MY GOSH!!! Miriam I would have died. I think I'd be minus a kid today. The worst(knock on wood)that Peyton's ever done is put diaper rash ointment all over her walls. Max recently drew a big line with brown crayon on my newly painted kitchen walls but at least it was CRAYON. Oh my gosh. You poor thing.
AWE---- :( what are we going to do with him?! I'll get Jeremy to do some research. Maybe we can find a solution. I am sure micah isn't the first one to do something like this though. He is all boy.
I know that I am still waiting on my little man to get here, so for now...this story is hilarious to me!! Especially his expression! I guess this should teach you that moms can't get sick until the kids are in school, huh? Oh, Miriam, this just makes me look forward to all the fun little boys bring!
ok, these are the day's i hope ryan DOESNT have. Is there any hope that if she ever found a marker she'd bring it to me and turn it in like the angel i'm sure she'll be? HA!
I'm glad you got pics to prove that he once lived... before you killed him! JK! He's a mess... all boy!
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